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A grieving mother once asked me a tough question just a few days after losing two children in one week: “Why should I trust the consoling words of a pastor when he tells me that my dead children have gone to heaven?” Losing a child, a parent, a grandparent, a friend or any person one loves is by far the most devastating tragedy that a loved one can face. When it strikes in a family it leaves unbreakable sorrow and grief in our hearts and our hearts ponder in pain of the loss we experience. Worldwide, death is the greatest enemy that all people have in common. It steals our loved ones daily from us leaving brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, and friends with many pending questions on why death has stolen our loved ones from us. Heaven: The Secure Eternal Home takes these pending questions and answers them through the eyes of our Lord and Savior. Little by little this book takes you on a journey of Believing, Trusting, Hoping, Comforting and Directing you to the path of knowing where your loved ones go once the Lord calls them home

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