The longer we live on earth, the more we need to know about Heaven! Dr. Nicholas Muteti’s book answers many of the questions that people are asking about eternal issues. For believers, this book offers a glimpse of what it will be like to spend eternity in heaven. For seekers, Dr. Muteti tells not only what heaven will be like, but--- even more importantly—how to know for certain that you are going there. I’m thankful for such a biblical, beautifully written description of the glory of heaven.
Stephen N. Rummage, Ph.D.,
Senior Pastor, Bell Shoals Baptist Church, Brandon, Florida.
The key statement in this book is: Heaven is real. Scripture proves it. With persistence and passion, Dr. Nicholas Muteti debunks many myths about heaven, particularly the myth that some modern day travelers have gone there and returned to tell us. And, the myth that there is more than one way to heaven. I often see a bumper sticker that spells out the word “coexist” by using religious symbols of different faiths. The idea that all of us should get along is a good one, however, the bumper sticker suggests that one can obtain a birth in heaven through many ways. Its intent is to subliminally mislead us with incorrect information. Dr. Muteti lays this claim to waste with his strong biblical proof; there is only one way. In this book, you will find the facts of life, and of death. You will learn of the eternal results and consequences of decisions you make here on earth. You will find comfort in the hope of heaven. And, you will discover the one true way to get there. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10: 9-10). The Bible is unequivocal in its promise of salvation to all who believe. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death and our belief in Him, we are imputed his righteousness, made perfect in Him, and secure our place in Heaven. Dr. Muteti’s book backs up every assertion about heaven with biblical truth from the Word of God. In the end, you will know more about heaven than before, will have greater confidence in what you believe about its existence, and be armed with facts to tell others who may be skeptical. Don’t think that everyone automatically goes to heaven. Learn the truth from a book based on biblical facts not someone’s hallucinations about visiting heaven. With a pastor’s heart for the unbeliever and for Christians seeking answers, Dr. Muteti tells us what we need to know about heaven in a clear and understandable way. With stories about growing up in his native Kenya and experiences from his thirty years of ministry in Kenya and the United States, Dr. Muteti illustrates how we live on earth with a heavenly perspective and what it will be like “When We All Get to Heaven.” You’ll love the book. I did.
Dr. John Reale
Retired Senior Pastor, Staunton Baptist Church, Huddleston, Virginia.
The most important question anyone will ever ponder in life is where they will spend eternity when they breathe their last breath and die. In an attempt to deal with the reality of death, man has come up with a variety of opinions based on personal, cultural, and religious understanding as to what takes place after death. But suppose for a moment, they are wrong!
Dr. Muteti’s book is biblically based and crystal clear in its teaching, that there is only one way to heaven. His approach to heaven is personal having come from a non-Christian background and his desire that all should know the truth regarding how to get to heaven.
The book is insightful to clergy, Christians and those with no religious affiliation seeking answers about life after death.
Pastor Phillip Brantley, Bethany Baptist Church, Wendell, North Carolina
I am so very saddened when I see people post some sort of quote on social media saying they would rather party in hell than serve in heaven or some other similar type of sentiment. It is quite apparent that we live in a society that at worse, doesn’t truly believe in heaven and hell, or at best, has a complete misunderstanding of the two places. For those of us who study God’s word and believe it to be true, we understand that both are real places. Furthermore, we know that there is nothing desirable about hell. To put it mildly, it is a place of eternal torment and sorrow. However, we take joy and rejoice in the fact that we do not have to spend eternity in that place. Rather, because of Christ and His free gift of salvation, we can experience heaven for all of eternity with our great God. To put it mildly, it is a place of eternal bliss and joy as we are reunited with our Creator. These truths, however, beg the question; “If this is actually true of heaven and hell, then why does society have such a misunderstanding or unbelief in these two places?” Personally, I believe in large part it is due to many believers today not living like they are headed to an eternity spent with the Lord. Rather, like those without any belief, too much time is wasted living merely for this temporal life. As Solomon says, it’s all vanity. So what is the answer?
Quite honestly, it is believers coming to an understanding that we aren’t just living for the moment. We have eternity ahead of us. It is believers understanding that what lies ahead for us in eternity is so much better than what we currently experience here. This understanding is exactly what Dr. Nicholas Muteti is calling for believers to grasp in this book. His book reveals that his heart is excited about heaven and rightfully so. Believers should be excited about heaven. It should be what we are truly living for today. However, if we know the love of Christ, then our concern isn’t merely for own eternal destination. We should be gravely saddened by the direction we see so many amongst us headed today. Many are headed down the broad path towards the wide gate of destruction. Dr. Muteti has a heart that desires the lost to see the truth of the gospel, to know that God and His heaven are available to them too if they would only come to Him through Christ. Thus, he lays out the simple truth of the gospel and its reward. At the same time, he answers some often overlooked questions that many without a gospel background might have. Furthermore, he answers these questions in a manner that is understandable for all. So I encourage you to bring your questions with you when you read this book. As it is read, the believer will be reminded of the love and the joy that awaits us in heaven. The believer will also be convicted of our duty and privilege of sharing the truth of the gospel that others might have the opportunity to join us there. Basically, within these pages lies encouragement for all who already profess Christ as Savior and hope for those who do not yet do so.
Rev. Kevin J. Ard
Pastor of Rivelon Baptist Church
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Anyone reading Dr. Nicholas Muteti’s book “Heaven” will come away knowing of his faith in the One who will take any and all “who will come” to His “secure, eternal home.” No doubt Dr. Muteti believes in heaven and believes in the One and only begotten Son of the Father, who has called all believers, but especially pastors, as Muteti points out clearly, to herald this home in heaven as “the” place to be. Sadly, too many pastors are guilty of not expressing their own longing to be in the secure, eternal home, to the detriment, and even demise, of many members of their congregations. Too many members, some unbelievers themselves, are still holding on too tightly to this life and consequently the sins that have corrupted this unsecure, temporal dwelling place, earth. Those, on the other hand, who love the Lord’s appearing, will not only have greater peace and a longing for a home in heaven, they will also have a healthier understanding of their role in helping to gain an entrance there for others, through their continuous compassionate telling and retelling of the gospel. Dr. Muteti’s own heart reads through the vernacular of this book’s pages, and will compel any reader to examine more closely their own heart, whether they be in the faith, and whether that secure, eternal home is being prepared for them, personally.
Dr. Willis Lee Herman
Chaplain II,
Murdoch Developmental Center
Butner, North Carolina
I have known Dr. Nicholas Muteti for twenty years. I have always found him to be extremely dedicated and talented in the pastoral ministry. I am excited to hear what he has to say on the subject of heaven. I was delighted to read this book because it covers the subject on several different levels. It is certainly written from a pastor’s heart. It covers the subject broadly. It also always conveys the underlying concern of evangelizing the lost. The idea of populating a place called heaven is an exciting one. God does the work of populating the Kingdom of Heaven, but He lets us be a part of His work. Knowing about the grandeur of heaven motivates us to see people go there. I am indeed thankful that Dr. Nicholas Muteti has written this book and I look forward to seeing how God will use it.
Rev. Marcus Campbell
Senior Pastor Conrad Memorial Baptist Church, High Point, North Carolina